Arjun De


Arjun Deol and Suresh Shetty, The role of a social network for the recovery of sexual abuse-related distress in Indian Indian women, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 73, (34),.

T. L. Linnell and D. S. Linnell, The effects of traumatic rape and gender norms on intergenerational transmission of post-traumatic stress disorder among indigenous peoples residing in Australia, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 26, 6, (537),.

Bjรธrn Bjerre-Nielsen, Are we safe from sexual victimization? Testing a social support mediation approach for the development of an empirically grounded approach to preventing sexual victimization in the social contexts of Norway (1996โ€“2002), Scandinavian Journal of Population Research, 32, 3, (261),.

C. T. Rundell, A meta-analytic review exploring the association of victimization history with suicidal behavior, Psychological Bulletin, 133, 10, (1931),.

Violeta Fureza, โ€œMy heart breaks every dayโ€: Psychoanalytic theories of post-traumatic stress disorder, International Review of Psychiatry, 30, 1, (9),.

Petr Golomรญnek, Zsolt Szaflarski and Pรฉter Kล‘dล‘, Victimsโ€™ and perpetratorsโ€™ coping with an individual or group rape: Implications of rape as a social event, Journal of Social Issues, 54, 2, (277),.

D.E. Haldimand, S.D.J. Hutton, J.F. Dinsmore, A.D. Nieuwenhuizen, A. F.P. Borsboom and D.L.B. Schoenmakers, Assessing the nature and meaning of female genital cutting: A systematic review of all published sources (1969-2007), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 1, (65),.

John R. Hager, Joseph D. Oโ€™Brien and Michael Van Vugt, Perceived victimization and posttraumatic stress disorder among college students, 1980-1994, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25, 1, (51),.

Jillian G. Martin, Social Contexts, Handbook of Social Psychology,.

Yasmeen M

Arjun De

Location: Alexandria , Egypt
Company: China State Construction Engineering